
Showing posts from February, 2020

what are the benefits of living peacefully?

What are the benefits of living peacefully? Peace is important in our life to have a true happiness and it can be achieve by being true to yourself as well. There are many ways to achieve peace but it started in oneself and that is by being true to yourself. It is the most vital way to achieve  benefits of living peacefully. The  we feel and think of yourself is important, but you should living peacefully which is positive and negative. Use that positive traits that you have for becoming true to yourself. Being true to yourself benefits to moment, as you grow and evolve, is a benefits -long practice that requires commitment. Give yourself the time and space to listen so you always exist at the core of who you truly are. When you are true to yourself it means that you are completely honest with what you feel, desire, and deeply value, it means you love your own self, you love your mental health. Before, I used to be nicer, friendly to almost all people...